Welcome to September!

Last weekend, I had the privilege of speaking at the women’s conference of the Redeemed Christian Church of God Kings Court Parish in Aurora, Illinois. One of the remarkable moments during the event was when a fellow speaker shared her incredible journey. She recounted being expelled from four different colleges due to her struggles with reading. Despite these setbacks, she remained undeterred and pressed on.

Her story of persistence truly resonated with me. It served as a reminder that no matter the obstacles we face, we can achieve our aspirations as long as we refuse to give up. With unwavering determination, she pursued her dream of earning a college degree. After four attempts, she finally succeeded on her fifth try, proving that each setback was merely a setup for a comeback.

But the story didn’t end there. Fueled by her unyielding confidence, she aimed even higher by applying for a master’s degree, despite doubting her eligibility. Remarkably, her audacity caught the attention of the school, and they granted her the chance she sought. She earned her master’s degree through sheer persistence and an unshakable belief in her own potential.

This tale holds a vital lesson: The world responds to our resolute commitment to our dreams. Persistence, despite failure, is the key to eventual success. Remember these guiding principles:

  • Don’t succumb to adversity; keep moving forward.
  • Action is essential; answers won’t be found by sitting still.
  • Learn from failures, replicate successes, and discard mistakes.
  • In the face of doubters, remain determined—some will support you, some won’t, and that’s okay.

So, as you navigate your path, keep in mind that success often lies just beyond your last attempt. Embrace the challenges, for they shape you into a stronger, more resilient individual. Your dreams are within reach as long as you refuse to surrender.”

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