About Us

Welcome to Qera Global LLC – Your Trusted Partner in Unleashing Potential!

At Qera Global LLC, we’re dedicated to empowering individuals and organizations to soar to their highest potential. We believe in the innate ability of everyone to succeed, yet we recognize the challenges that may hinder progress. That’s why we offer customized coaching, training, and speaking services aimed at identifying strengths, overcoming obstacles, and achieving your goals.

Our team comprises seasoned coaches, trainers, and speakers passionate about guiding others towards success. From small startups to Fortune 500 companies, schools, and community organizations, we collaborate with diverse entities to cultivate growth and excellence.

Our Services:

Tailored sessions focusing on leadership, communication, and personal or professional goal attainment using our proven AOOA system. We collaborate closely with you to craft a personalized success plan.

Continuous learning is vital for growth. Our engaging programs, whether in-person or online, cover leadership development, effective communication, time management, attitude, and team building, adapting to your unique learning style and schedule.

Our dynamic speakers bring a wealth of experience, delivering impactful speeches that resonate with audiences at corporate events, conferences, or school assemblies. We also facilitate workshops for skill development.

Youth Empowerment Programs:
Investing in the next generation is crucial. Our youth empowerment programs offer coaching, mentoring, and leadership development to equip young minds with the skills and confidence needed for success in both academics and life.

Our Commitment:
At Qera Global LLC, excellence is non-negotiable. We deliver high-quality services that yield tangible results such as increased productivity, improved teamwork, and enhanced communication skills. With tailored solutions, we’ve assisted clients in various industries to identify strengths, conquer obstacles, and fulfill their potential.

We’re Passionate About Your Success:
Let’s build a brighter future together. Whether it’s refining public speaking, honing leadership skills, fostering teamwork, or achieving a balanced life, we’re here to guide you toward your goals.

Thank you for considering Qera Global LLC. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together!

Our Mission.

Our mission at Qera Global LLC is to empower individuals and organizations to unleash their full potential through personalized coaching, training, and speaking services. We believe in everyone’s capacity for success and are dedicated to offering tailored support, tools, and resources to guide our clients towards their aspirations. Our focus on personal and professional growth, leadership enhancement, and youth empowerment underscores our commitment to nurturing the leaders of tomorrow. Committed to delivering innovative, high-quality services, we strive to generate tangible results and inspire enduring transformation.

Our Vision.

At Qera Global LLC, our vision is to cultivate a world where every individual’s unique strengths are recognized and empowered to achieve their utmost potential. We champion diversity, inclusivity, and belonging, fostering a culture where personal and professional growth thrives. Our goal is to provide accessible coaching, training, and speaking services that transcend backgrounds, enabling everyone to reach their aspirations. By investing in people, we’re dedicated to shaping a brighter, more inclusive future for all.

About us- Lead Coach
Abayomi E. Fakeye​

Abayomi is a John C. Maxwell Certified Coach, Speaker, and Trainer. His way of coaching and guiding reflects his helpful and friendly nature.

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